Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A little spring cleaning...

Nothing quite like having a small TV crew come to your house to motivate some spring cleaning :) I'm going to have a small feature on G-Word, part of Discovery Channel's Planet Green, about my work as the Eco-Friendly Bicycling Photographer.

A little nervous, but I'm excited. It'll be a great way to get across the idea that you can be carfree (even in LA!) and still have a life. So Laura helped me clear out my office and hang some pics.

A few District covers to hang up...

I'll be carrying a chair, stepladder and 3foot inflatable globe to my shoot tomorrow!

Wish me luck!


Henry said...

wow, congrats and best wishes to your tv interview tomorrow!!

Marla said...

I've been watching that show. Do you know when it will air?