Now, for me, it's getting to the tough stuff. I spent many years patronizing my local camera store, Terry's Camera, a victim to redevelopment. I got to know the owners really well and I learned a lot about shooting and darkroom work from them. It was during that time that I also amassed a pretty good collection of cameras.
I experimented with everything under the sun. Holgas to Hasselblads and Leicas to Linhoffs. I've shot, developed and printed 35mm, 6x6, 6x9, 4x5 and Polaroid Type 55. Sheet film to roll film. I've let go of many bits of equipment already, but have always hung on to a few that I dearly enjoyed. Now (unless I get a sudden influx of money somehow), it's time to let go of some old friends that will enable me to go on a new adventure.

It's really weird to sell these guys. I've done some good work with them - portraits of KRUMP dancers, portraits of my brother in the army, etc., To me, these cameras, the old forgotten farts of the camera world will always be "real cameras." Blasphemy, I know. I shoot with digital and it pays the bills, but I'll always have a soft spot for a smoothly running Rolleiflex.

. . . anyway to store away. Oh Russ - They're such a part of you. What would it take? Are you & Laura making any allowances or are you just making a clean break?
Um, yes. I'm interested! Very.
If you're serious about parting with the rollie and the speed graphic I'm interested.
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